Friday, April 10, 2009

time kasih ney johan kerana cemerlang menge'tag' diana

Where is your cell phone - atas lantai
Your hair - ikat ketat2
Your favorite thing - food
Your dream last night - ngeehehehe
Your favorite drink - nescafe ais di pasar malam tmn melawati... sedap
Your dream/goal - kawen sebelum 28 tahun ahaks
The room you are in - ruang tamu
Your fear - gelap
Where do you want to be in 6 years - Mekah
Muffins - give me one
One of your wish list items - sony latest cybershot camera
Where you grew up - sungai nibong pulau pinang
The last thing you did - pegi pos ofis anta barang, time bayar tk cukup duit... huhh
What are you wearing- baby-t, long pants
Your TV - Pensonic- belilah barangan buatan malaysia
Your life - luv is in d air...
Your mood - lalalala...
Missing someone - nope
Your car - savvy built tougher yo...
Favorite store - None
Your summer - no summer...
Your favorite color - green, orange, dark
When is the last time you laughed - last night
Last time you cried - ntah...
Last person who email me - bookcafe's customer
One my favorite foods - laksa
One place you would rather be right now - spa...
One person you think will respond - hemm.. kak sireh... come on respond... hey.. i tag u!

1 comment:

Fyza d.Hana said...

ye.. terima kasih ye.. hahha...